NEMT and Paratransit Software | ParaPlan Software by EnGraph

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Improvements to create Invoice workflow


ParaPlan has a fully functional billing system. We can create invoices either for a client or for a single funding source with multiple clients. We also handle payments, pre-payments, over-payments and under-payments. Today our interface for creating invoices got a little bit easier to use.

#1 - Window starts at the top

This window grows vertically as invoices get populated. We watched our users move the window to the top of the screen time and time again to see all the information on the screen. Now, the window starts at the top of the user’s display.

#2 - Smarter billable trips finder

The panel now displays the client name or program name for this invoice. The expander is also auto-expanded after the client or program is selected.

#3 - Sortable headers

The labels are now clickable and will sort the list accordingly. Click once to sort ascending. Click again to sort in descending order. The label turns bold when it is being sorted. Green means sorting ascending. Red means the list is being sorted in descending order.

These changes are currently going through internal testing. It will be released in the next update.